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Sunday, March 24, 2013

2013 Spring Camporee - March 22 - 23

This years San Tan District Spring Camporee was at The Boulders, just outside Florence, AZ.  After arriving at The Boulders Troop 880 set up camp and began preparing a meal for themselves and the stake judges (President Allred, President Graham, and Brother Zimmerman).  The scouts decided on Tacos for dinner.  With a dash of Da Bomb hot sauce, the tacos came out quite delicious.  We didn't win first prize, but we were satisfied with the outcome of our meal.

After a nice fireside with our stake visitors, we hit the hay to prepare for the day of events that was to follow.

Saturday morning came extra early!  7am flag ceremony and breakfast.  Pancakes and french toast won our stomachs.  After digesting the terrific breakfast we torn down camp.

The first activity was Signaling.  The scouts learned how to use the sun and a signaling mirror as a call for help and/or a response to help...not that we plan on needing to any time soon!

Fire starters were next.  The scouts made two different items that will be used as fire starters for our next campout.  One is made from cardboard, string, and wax, and the other from old denim.

Down in the wash, we attacked three activities; safety bracelet making, an obstacle course, and a little boulder climbing on our own.

On our way to learn about Dutch Oven cooking, we stopped at a station where we made our own Dutch Oven lid lifter thingy.  The scouts took turns heating the iron and bending and twisting to mold it into something useable.  We'll also begin using this on our future campouts.  We came up with a spiritual analogy for this...when the Lord sees fit, He "heats" us up with trials and challenges that help shape and mold us into something more than we could be on our own.

After a Dutch Oven cooking seminar and a little more boulder climbing, it was time to call it a day!